

GUNPLA HOBBY | Core Gamer | Individual Sports Fan | Han Shot First | Computer Science

Hi, welcome to KhaosZen's bitter space. Now is learning pixel art in progress.

FABO X Document 7


Exercise:Use the Arduino IDE to write or modify a program with I/O devices. Assemble your circuit on a breadboard and test it.

A Ultrasonic-sensor-based gradully changed RGB LED

The LED would change its own color gradully with the distance of the object related to the ultra-sonic sensor.

A list of the items here:

  • Wires
  • Shanghaino Board
  • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Here is the code:

#include <Ultrasonic.h>

Ultrasonic ultrasonic(12,13);
int LED_R = 11;
int LED_G = 10;
int LED_B =  9;
int dis_max = 45;
int t = dis_max/3;
int dis;

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_R, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED_G, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED_B, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Serial.print(ultrasonic.Ranging(CM)); // CM or INC
  Serial.println(" cm" );
  dis = ultrasonic.Ranging(CM);
  // red to orange to yellow to green
  if(dis >= dis_max*2/3 && dis < 45){
     analogWrite(LED_B, 255*(1-(dis-2*t)/t));
     analogWrite(LED_R, 255*(dis-2*t)/t);
     analogWrite(LED_G, 0);
  // green to indigo to blue
  else if(dis >= dis_max*1/3 && dis < dis_max*2/3){
     analogWrite(LED_G, 255*(1-(dis-t)/t));
     analogWrite(LED_B, 255*(dis-t)/t);
     analogWrite(LED_R, 0);
  // blue to purple to red
  else if(dis >= 0 && dis < dis_max*1/3){
     analogWrite(LED_R, 255*(1-dis/t));
     analogWrite(LED_G, 255*dis/t);
     analogWrite(LED_B, 0);
     analogWrite(LED_R, 0);
     analogWrite(LED_G, 0);
     analogWrite(LED_B, 0);

A demo video here:


FABO X Final Project

Final Project: Password Instrumental AlarmDescriptionThis final project will combine as much knowledges I have learnt as possible to show the completeness of the learning of this course.Firstly I will implement an alarm clock which can play music ...…


FABO X Document 6

SolderingExercise: Solder Our Own Shanghaino BoardA part list of Shanghaino PCB made in last course. ATMEGA328 * 1 Socket * 1 CRYSTAL * 1 CAP 22pF * 2 CAP 0.1uF * 3 CAP 10uF * 1 RES 10kOhm * 1 RES 220Ohm * 2 Green LED * 1 Red LED * 1 P...…
